Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer days Gone quick.

5th Grade Self-Portrait
So, I took this summer off to plan a crafty wedding.  I made some art... I guess. Arts and Crafts for the wedding. (More on that later.) I could have done my own art more, but I didn't.  Usually by the end of summer vacation I want to head back to work, and I guess this year is no exception except that I desperately want to move away from the city (more on that later).  Starting work again after a long break is o so bittersweet.  I want to go back and get back into the the groove, but it is hard to say good bye to lazy summer days, and hard to say goodbye to the big list of things you thought you were going to have time to do/make, but just well, didn't.

So anywoo here is a wonderful self-portrait done by a former 5th grade student.  I am feeling just like her this morning!  How are you feeling?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Quest.

Beads of a Pharaoh
Hey!  So I'm starting a blog. I have been thinking about it for awhile. My brother ran with the idea and so I decided to finally hop on board!  ...aaaahhhhh Inspiration!

So the low down:  I LOVE making art and I LOVE teaching...but I find it hard to give my all to both.  Don't get me wrong, I am making art and being creative.. but not nearly as much as I'd like.  I wanna go back to making art regularly; I was happier, less stressed and I believe, had a greater perspective on life.

In this blog I would like to document my quest to consciously keep the creative artist alive in my everyday life!